Finding Normal Throughout my life I have periodically heard, and even used, the phrase, “I can’t wait until things get back to normal.” Never has it been so often expressed as in the past several months. Yet, this begs at least a couple of questions: “What is normal?” “Why are we so anxious to go backwards in order to get to it?” According to a few dictionaries I’ve reviewed, normal is defined as “conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; regular; natural; serving to establish a standard; of natural occurrence; the standard or type.” Okay. I’ll accept that. However, there is another phrase that has almost become a maxim in the 20 th and 21 st centuries, “The only real constant is change.” I have also found that to be accurate, and maybe even a truism. Therefore, change is normal and the only place to find change (or normal) is living in the moment and looking toward the future, not backward to where we have been. But if this is true, why can’t we wait to go back to so...