Relevance and Lifelong Learning In today’s fast-paced world the saying, “The only constant is change,” is more accurate than ever before. In this environment of constant change, it has become more critical for individuals and organizations to continuously assess and invest in their relevance. With that in mind, what defines relevance? Regardless of the level of performance, customers, investors, employers and employees continue to ask, “What’s next?” Our response cannot be, “Look at all that I’ve done.” In most relationships, personal and professional, the value that has been provided has already been compensated for via a bill paid, a paycheck received, a favor returned or a kind act reciprocated. The value we provide to our stakeholders in the 21st century has to be continuous and increasing in meeting their changing needs. Only then do we ensure relevance. Like beauty, relevance is in the eye of the beholder. Therefore, the first step is to understand stakeholder need...